In love and in New York City

Sunday, April 03, 2011

I've been stumbling across all these little soundbites on love lately that have made me think a little.

Like this one, for example, from Elle magazine in 2010:
I was roughing it in New York, not sure if this is the place for me—and then you fall in love; it changes everything. All of a sudden, New York feels like the best place in the world.

I've lived in New York City for basically 80% of my life and I have only gotten less and less enamored with it. Before I went away, I adored it, but I couldn't have known any better, any differently. Any place is the best place in the world when you're in love, but I'd like to feel that way about New York City at least one (last) time before I really leave. I'd like to see what that New York feels like, as an adult. I don't know if it'd be enough to make me stay, honestly.

These songs best describe the way I feel about New York City:

"City", Sara Bareilles

"The World I Know", Collective Soul

"I Am ... I Said", Neil Diamond

Maybe this will change before I up and leave. I have been juggling love affairs with Los Angeles, Nashville, Salt Lake City and London and I left a love behind in Boston. I haven't belonged to New York City for quite some time.

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